Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Am I really a bridezilla???

I wonder if I am? Anyway, I'm getting ready for my wedding, which is taking place in my soon to be in-laws backyard on August 25! Today I started the slimfast diet, I have my dress but I just want it to fit better nothing drastic!

So far we have the invitations mailed, the favours made, the autograph mat bought (my guestbook) my dress and shoes, my son Nathaniel's outfit (pants) (shirt) bought and I know we have more but I can't think of them just now!

My dress


nanna said...

I'm glad to see mom has sucked you into the blog world too!

pei girl said...

welcome to blog-land Kelli you have made your mother proud love the dress oh and is slim fast any good does it work let me know have an awesome day (hugs)